Friday, April 01, 2022

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.

Ben is back from visiting Ray and family in Florida. Plenty of night fishing by the look the photo on the right. He is the one with the beard who looks half asleep. The one with the fins and the gills is a catfish.

We went out to dinner last night at the Istanbul Meze Mangal in the High Street. While we were eating I was telling him about RodM's work in the Ukraine. I asked if he could remember Rod staying with me years ago. "I don't know if I would recognise him," said Ben, "but I do remember the remote control helicopter he got me for Christmas or my birthday". A bribe has always been the quickest way to his heart.

"You can't rush something you want to last forever," he announced later. 

"Who are you quoting?"


Oh to be a phrase-maker. Niamh has got something he said to her tattooed on her arm apparently.  Oh dear (Icons passim).

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