Saturday, April 02, 2022

But I don't know Vanessa Redgrave.......

"One a month" at the theatre is sorted for April. Diary of a Somebody at the Seven Dials Playhouse on the 27th. Not necessarily what I would have picked out of a line up myself, but five stars in the Guardian, someone else doing the booking leg-work, and a look at a venue that will be new to me, ticks more than enough boxes. Diary of a Somebody being about Joe Orton, let's just digest that his letters to PG are in the British Library (my italics).

What else now I'm on my feet? Oh yes, rave reviews for  the opening night of To Kill a Mockingbird this week - I'm going in June - which sorta bemused me because John and Lorraine plus Ollie and Liz Penney have seen it already. I've been reading reviews of things I've already seen a lot this year. Maybe they don't make much of a deal of official openings when you are booking on the websites.

Finally, my brother got tickets to Emilia Clarke in The Seagull at the Pinter (me and him) for July as my birthday present and it turns out that our cousin Ria and her other half are also going to the same performance. It is sounding more and more like a surprise party for me with Daenerys Targaryen jumping out of a gigantic cake.

Keep this frequency clear.

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