Monday, May 29, 2023

We're putting the band back together

The phone rang just before ten last night. It was Ben. He was on a weekend gallivant with Simona. They had ended up in the Charles Holden. Did I want to come round? I did. I had never met Simona before, but we had a wonderful hour or so sitting out in the pub garden. It is lucky the Holden closes at eleven. If it had an extension until the early hours I wouldn't have let them go until after last orders.

Ben said that Jonnie, back from University, had met him and Rory yesterday (the three of them played in the same Old Ruts team while they were at school) and that they were planning on catching up with Alex who did as well. I had thought of Alex in the week as I walked past the flat he shared with his mum on my way to the Ukraine meeting.

I drove along Birdhurst Road on Sunday morning as I had had to pick up some stuff for Peter from Helen's. There was a shiny black Range Rover with German plates outside Callum's family home. I guess he must be back from Bayer Leverkusen.

The boys are back in town. Rory didn't come on the scene until secondary school, but in their few years in primary I was forever taking Ben, Jonnie, Alex and Callum to crocodile Park, muay Thai and the movies etc. They're all twenty two now. It makes me quite sentimental just thinking about it.

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