Dearest Darling – we are in a very tight corner and I have doubts of pulling through – In our short lunch hours I take advantage of a very small measure of warmth to write letters preparatory to a possible end – the first is naturally to you on whom my thought mostly dwell waking or sleeping – if anything happens to me I shall like you to know how much you have meant to me and that pleasant recollections are with me as I depart.Captain Scott's last letter, composed as he and his party were on their ultimately futile struggle back from the Pole. I confess to damp eyes as I read it.
I used to live in Upper Richmond Road, years ago and well rember the now demolished Oates' house and its plaque.
Roath Park lake - as previously noted - has a memorial as well.
We rowed around it last time we were back.
1 comment:
My dearest boy
You've touched a chord.
You need Roland
Watch out Ahoy
(Apparently its Talk like a pirate day)
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