Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Less running in the family

After arriving on hospital on April 26th for a hip operation on the 27th Mum got out of the CAVOC ward in Llandough yesterday, and is back in Ty Enfys: 48 days in hospital. Apparently the day was a logistical nightmare which gave her some stress, but I hope things will start to relax now.

Also in family health news, I tripped and fell again the day before yesterday (Icons passim) hurting a rib this time. Slightly unnerved I messaged my diagnosis of peroneal nerve damage to a friend who is a reconstructive plastic surgeon, and I am really proud she thought my diagnosis may be right. Have you ever heard of such a ridiculous thing to regard as an accomplishment?

Yesterday, I took my foot along to Ollie who is a physiotherapist. She said I have drop foot (, told me to make an appointment with my GP, gave me a restorative band exercise. and came up with the interesting the idea - from my gait - that I had had the condition for a long time before it was exacerbated.

I have booked an enhanced access telephone appointment with the The Vineyard Hill Road Surgery for 6:30 pm on my birthday. I wonder what an enhanced access telephone appointment is.

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