Tuesday, February 22, 2022

The Handbook of Hymen (Phnarr)

 This month's Audible voucher has gone on the O. Henry: Complete Short Stories Collection in memory of the old man, just as last month's The Little World of Don Camillo (passim) did.

"Homer K. M" from The Handbook of Hymen, was a not infrequent quote of his, but I am buggered if I can work out how to get to a particular story in the online collection. The lack of any sort of content or index system in spoken word audio is a recurring bugbear, though we never have the same problem with songs.

Damon Runyon is now the gaping hole in my collection of stories I imagine JPB smiling at in heaven. There's plenty of Damon Runyon Theatre content and I might dip my toe in these old radio shows but I really want the unmistakable vim of original text's narrator.

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