Friday, August 23, 2013

Our bodies are our gardens to which our wills are gardeners.

What with the crash and roar of Nathan Cleverly losing his world title last weekend, I initially missed the fact that Londoner Darren Baker had climbed back up from the canvas to win the IBF Middleweight world Atlantic City on Saturday.

I'd read about him before in the build up to the fight astounded to find that, due to a hip problem he was training with yoga and swimming and did no road work at all.

I was too hung over to go to Bikram at 8am last Saturday, though I did swim later in the day and caught up with my yoga practice on Sunday. I mustn't let that happen again tomorrow after tonight's blues at the Mills.

As to the meditation side of things, Scott Raab could have been channeling me when he wrote:
I've been aware for a long time that my default version of mindfulness — relentless hypervigilance spiked liberally with dread — isn't the optimal recipe for living a balanced life. A dash of OCD, a touch of bipolar disorder, a sprinkling of sociopathy, a heavy dusting of addiction: Mix constantly and serve piping hot. Feeds exactly one raging asshole.

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