Monday, May 09, 2011

Any port in a storm?

I'm reading David Foster Wallace's Infinite Jest on the Kindle at the moment, and trying hard to resist psychoanalysing an author who died young by his own hand.

In the flesh, it's a novel of nearly a thousand pages that includes footnotes. An impractical proposition for a coat pocket when travelling on the tube, but fine on the Kindle. I was also pleased to see that the footnotes work seamlessly on the digital version.

I've discovered that Project Gutenberg supports the Kindle Mobi format as well, though I haven't downloaded anything from it yet, but maybe it is always worth paying for a professional port. I've got a free e-book of Kipling's Kim but it is practically unreadable due to mad stuttering line breaks.

1 comment:

chris said...

I've just finished "the man who would be king" on kim's kindle account, but acessed via my iphone - also read "the prince" whilst in florence :-)