Thursday, January 14, 2010

when it gets out of order

I can clearly remember seeing Ian Dury for the first time on the old black and white TV up in the loft and being very taken by him sticking the microphone inside his mouth and making a long tuneless hooting sound. So much for the lyrics I suppose, though I'll never forget the extraordinary first line from Plaistow Patricia echoing round the youth club some time later.

The Burglar - much to my surprise - actually went to a gig on the infamous Stiff Tour.

All of which is a round about way of saying that I finally made it to the HMVCurzon, and took in Sex & Drugs & Rock & Roll over a glass or two of wine. It's the first great film I've seen in this new decade. Check it out.


chris said...

I , too attended said tour. came home with a t shirt which read "if it aint stiff, it isn't worth a ***k"
which I naively put in the laundry basket at home - never to be seen again.

Nick Browne said...

Is candy floss sticky?

John said...

A year late perhaps but I saw it on the tube last night. Outstanding !