Saturday, January 16, 2010


Now that I'm tidying up the English language, I have decided that the word Aryan has so many and various meanings, and such a convoluted history that it has been entirely worn out.
As an adaptation of the Latin Arianus, referring to Iran, 'Aryan' has "long been in English language use". Its history as a loan word began in the late 1700s, when the word was borrowed from Sanskrit to refer to speaker of North Indian languages
Then, in the 1830s ..... , the term "Aryan" came to be used as the term for the Indo-European language group, and by extension, the speakers of those languages.

By the late 19th century, the notions of an "Aryan race" became closely linked to Nordicism, which posited Northern European racial superiority over all other peoples (including Indians). This "master race" ideal engendered both the "Aryanization" programs of Nazi Germany, in which the classification of people as "Aryan" and "non-Aryan" was most emphatically directed towards the exclusion of Jews.

Hence or otherwise establish "The Aryan Brotherhood".

Amusing as it might be to start using Aryan as an adjective for contemporary Iran , what is outlined above is too much work for three little syllables, and henceforth, I recommend that you treat this abused word with an inflexible rigour of disdain.

Beat it like a red-headed step child.

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