Monday, September 02, 2013

Once they get their hooks into you, you're a dead pigeon

I had to go to the quiz at the Gorringe Park last night as we had won a voucher for a bottle of wine at the same event last week. This time we won, so we have to go back next week as we've got a £50 bar tab. I have to go to the Antelope tonight because we got a £50 bar tab for winning that last week as well.

While we are on the subject of pubs, and after yesterday's musing, it was interesting to see that the Royal Standard was packed on Sunday afternoon while punters were scarcer at the more aspirational Provenance and Chs. Holden. for (all together now):
........ there is still a place for the traditional crap boozer, those dusty cocoons of cushioned velvet stained with the detritus of a thousand ‘cheers’, those sacred retreats where wobbly pints are passed over split packets of salty pig parts, those refuges from the sanitized outside world that unite people, not in how smart and clean but how utterly shit they are.

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