Sunday, May 03, 2009

par le sang versé

A couple of random observations from across the channel and across that Atlantic that you may wish to compare and contrast with our government's attitude to the Gurkhas.
  1. You can apply for French citizenship if you serve in the Foreign Legion for three years. Further, a soldier who becomes injured during a battle for France can apply for French citizenship under a provision known as “Français par le sang versé” (”French by spilled blood”).
  2. On Friday afternoon, the President of the United States attended a naturalization ceremony for active duty service members in the East Room of the White House, along with Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano who delivered the oath of allegiance. This is what he said:
"It is my honor and my personal pleasure to be the first to address you as my fellow Americans. ........... You all have your own personal reasons for why you joined the military. But in the service that you render, in the sacrifices that each of you have made and will continue to make, in the commitment you've shown to your adopted nation, you're part of a larger story -- America's story."

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