I had a whale of a time, as I knew I would, at the magic show. I had prudently dissolved all my inhibitions in the pub before arriving so I volunteered to help with a trick and won - as if I needed another - a bottle of lager.
It also made me remember fondly all the hours I spent as a boy perfecting an overhand false shuffle that retains the entire deck in its original order. I thought it would come in handy when I grew up to be a fast-talkin', smooth-dealin' dude with a lightnin' draw, a secret sorrow and a heart of gold.
GERTRUDE: I suppose you've come to collect your bet... you unspeakable riverboat gambler.
WELSHBORN: I have no intention of holding a lady to any such bargain. Here's the deed to the plantation stolen from your father. Try to think kindly of me when... when I'm away.
WELSHBORN: Castell Coch has been fired upon. My regiment leaves at dawn.GERTRUDE: Oh, Welshborn! How I've misjudged you!
Is it wrong that gertrude sounded like George Hamilton in "Zorro, the gay blade" doing Liz Taylor?
(In my head, I mean...) This doesn't make it better, does it?
It is actually borrowed from Danny Kay's 1941 movie "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty", but you are on the right lines.
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