Thursday, June 12, 2008

Remember the Alamo

That was inedible muck and there wasn't enough of it.

I've been to a buffet at the Texas Embassy Cantina before, but never made an official eat your way around the world in London stop.

That was remedied last night. I had Ribs and Flautas, then Southern Fried Steak.

Southern fried steak is "hand battered and fried steak with homemade cream gravy, corn served with fries or mashed potatoes". It is an authentic recipe it would seem, but I thought it was disgusting.

Can't win 'em all I suppose.

Rooster Cogburn: If ever I meet one of you Texas waddies who ain't drunk water from a hoofprint, I think I'll... I'll shake their hand or buy 'em a Daniel Webster cigar. How long you boys down there been mounted on sheep?

Onwards! And follow the links for our real and imaginary destinations.

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