Monday, November 03, 2008

Mony Monday

Prodnose: How'd you find yourself this morning?
Myself: I just pulled back the sheets and there I was!

Prodnose: But you're feeling fit, you're ready for duty?
Myself: I toss and turn in the middle of the night, but I feel all right. I say Yeah ..

Prodnose: Yeah?
Myself: Yeah!

Prodnose: Yeah?
Myself: Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! 'Cause you make me feel ..

Prodnose: Mony, mony!
Myself: so ...

Prodnose: Mony, mony!
Myself: good!

Prodnose: Mony, mony!
Myself: so good!

Prodnose: Mony, mony!
Myself: so good!

Prodnose: Can we get on with it then?
Myself: J'errais dans un méandre; J'avais trop de partis, trop compliqués, à prendre; J'ai pris ..

Prodnose: Lequel?
Myself: Mais le plus simple, de beaucoup. J'ai décidé d'être admirable, en tout, pour tout!

Pepe Le Pew: I pierce you with the ack-ack of love, flowerpot.

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