Saturday, June 30, 2007

Old Nick

Apart from the legacy images and maps etc, is now running on Google's servers. The old site can still be found at

All in all the change went pretty smoothly and according to plan.

I can now manage the template by manipulating "widgets" rather than getting down to the HTML level. The new label section on the left is an example, as is the Training Diary (which is an RSS widget). The wish list and blog roll have been added back in as code widgets.

I've moved from Haloscan back to the native Blogger comment system, but old comments are not lost as they can still be read on "Old Nick".

Search is now in the top left hand in the standard Blogger header. I may move it down into the main body as the syntax looks pretty simple. The search term is just appended to a standard URL: e.g.

All in all, an interesting little exercise. Onwards to the future!

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